Board of Directors

Board of Directors


Arthur Ong*


Mark Nielsen*

Vice Chair, Finance & Treasurer

John R. Evans*

Immediate Past Chairman

Andria Strelow*

Board Secretary

Susan Anderson*

Vice Chair, Development

Diana Martin*

Co-Vice Chair, Development

John E. Forsyte*

President & CEO


Leona Aronoff-Sadacca*

Sally Anderson

Lindsay A. Ayers

Richard Bridgford

Eric B. Chamberlain*

Jo Ellen Chatham

Patrick Chen

Alayne Cortes

Dr. Robert F. Davey

William Dolan*

Lucy Dunn

Barbara Foster*

Maria Francis

Michael S. Gordon*

Nicholas Greenko

Andy Hanson

Janine Heft

Brian T. Hervey

Arnold Holland

Michelle Horowitz

James Newton Howard

Donald Hu

Jerry Huang*

Reza Jahangiri

Patrick Johnson

Seth R. Johnson*

Edward Kim

Johanna Kim

Joann Leatherby*

Agnes Lew

Robin Liu

Phillip N. Lyons*

Patricia McAuley*

David V. Melilli

Louise Merage

Abbas Mohaddes

Haydee Mollura

Maurice Murray

Tawni Nguyen

Stacey E. Nicholas

Anoosheh Oskouian*

Karin Pearson

John B. Peller

Judith Posnikoff*

Michelle Rohé

Chiyo Rowe*

Yassmin Sarmadi

Scott Seigel

Evan B. Siegel

Hon. H. Warren Siegel

Ronald M. Simon

Al Spector

Walter Stahr

M.C. Sungaila*

Carol Ann Tassios*

Andrew Thorburn

Christopher Tower*

David H. Troob

Bart van Aardenne*

Fram Virjee

W. Henry Walker

Judy Whitmore*

Nancy Wong

Jane Fujishige Yada

Charles Zhang

Segerstrom Center Liaison

Jane Fujishige Yada

Musician Representatives to the Board of Directors

Cynthia Ellis

László Mező

Robert Schumitzky

Life Directors

G. Randolph Johnson**

President Emeritus

Sally Anderson

James Baroffio

Frances A. Bass

Suzanne Chonette

Catherine Emmi

James Emmi**

Douglas K. Freeman

Edward Goldstein

Rondell Hanson

Hans Imhof

Barbara Sue Johnson

Janice M. Johnson

Damien M. Jordan

Mike Kerr

Jan Lowther**

Michael Lowther**

Arnold Miller, Ph. D.

Carlos Mollura**

William F. Podlich

Ronna Shipman

Doug Simao

Janice Frey Smith

Elizabeth Stahr

Eve Steinberg

William Thompson

Stewart Woodard**

* Executive Committee
** Deceased
