Eduardo Strausser

Eduardo Strausser

First Violin

“The charismatic Strausser, sensitive and empathetic in accompaniment, achieved fine orchestral balance and clarity, the winds nicely positioned in the texture and the work well-paced with good forward impetus.” The Five Lines, May 2023

The 2023-24 season sees Brazilian conductor Eduardo Strausser continue his regular relationships with Kansas City Symphony and City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra as well as conduct engagements with Bamberger Symphoniker, Utah Symphony Orchestra, Royal Northern Sinfonia, Orchestre de Montpellier and Argovia Philharmonic. He also has regular relationships with Antwerp Symphony Orchestra and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. U.S. engagements have included the symphony orchestras of North Carolina, Detroit and Indianapolis.
Working extensively across Australia and New Zealand, Strausser has regular relationships with Sydney and Queensland symphony orchestras, and has had recent concerts with New Zealand and West Australian symphony orchestras.  
Previously Resident Conductor of Teatro Sao Paolo from 2014-2016, Eduardo has become an experienced opera conductor and productions in Sao Paolo have included Elektra and Carlos Gomes’ Fosca, as well as performances of The Nutcracker with Balé da Cidade de São Paulo and a Stefano Poda production of Mahler’s Symphony No.1. He is now based in Berlin but still returns home to Latin America for guest conducting.  
Eduardo opens 2023-24 season with a new production of Tosca for Nothern Ireland Opera. Most recently he led Leonard Ever’s Die Odyssee for Zurich Opera and other highlights include Tosca for Theater Magdeburg which he also conducted for Staatheater Hannover alongside productions including Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Hansel and Gretel and Die Zauberflöte. Elsewhere he has also conducted La Bohème for Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro and Teatro Verdi di Padova.
From a young age, Eduardo developed an interest in works by contemporary composers and during his studies he took part in courses with the visionary composer Karlheinz Stockhausen and attended the International Forum for Conductors at the Ferienkurse für Neue Musik in Darmstadt, where he had the chance to work closely with composers György Kurtág and Brian Ferneyhough. At the Zurich University of Arts he studied with Johannes Schlaefli.
Eduardo has worked with a number of top soloists, including Paul Lewis, Isabelle Faust, Augustin Hadelich, Richard Galliano, Cédric Tiberghien, Steven Osborne, Barnabas Kelemen, and Sergei Krylov among others. A multi-linguist, Eduardo speaks eight languages fluently including German, Italian, French, Spanish, and Hebrew.