Pacific Symphony’s residency at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School is designed to enhance St. Margaret’s music program through high-quality performances and interactions with Pacific Symphony musicians and conductors. Last season’s programming consisted of two key components: a concert featuring Pacific Symphony to inaugurate St. Margaret’s new Performing Arts Center and a series of sectional clinics led by Pacific Symphony musicians and culminating in side-by-side performances with each of the school’s secondary instrumental ensembles.
Pacific Symphony presented two masterclasses as part of a multi-year partnership between UCI and the Symphony. Workshops on chamber music and audition techniques were led by Pacific Symphony musicians and featured music students from the Claire Trevor School of the Arts. Other collaborations between the Symphony and UCI have included lectures linked to the Symphony’s American Composers Festival, and most recently, work with UCI faculty member John Crawford on the Sacre Project, a unique interactive dance instillation based on Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring (Sacre du Printemps)