Emily Border
Emily Border is thrilled to be making her debut with Pacific Symphony’s Family Music Mornings in this production of Hansel and Gretel! She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance from Biola University, and currently studies with Dr. Susan Ali. Past stage credits include: Alice! An Immersive Adventure! (Queen of Hearts), South Pacific (Nellie), Les Misérables (Cosette), Little Women (Jo March), Into The Woods (Cinderella), The Music Man (Marian Paroo), and others. Presently, Emily has the honor of singing on staff with the Pacific Chorale and the Los Angeles Master Chorale , and performs regularly in the Orange County and Los Angeles Areas as a soloist. She’d like to thank her wonderful husband for his unwavering support of all of her musical and creative endeavors, and of course, all of the amazing parents who are fostering a love of opera in their children by bringing them to events like this!